Friday, December 06, 2013

One million, two million... $240 million

Ron Chenoy/USA TODAY Sports

By now, you’ve heard Robinson Cano took the money and ran to Seattle, a place CBS sportswriter Jason Keidel says is more known for “coffee and cold rain and bad baseball.” (Yes, the “cold rain” line is what lands this on The Rainout Blog.)

Keidel also suggests Cano’s agent, Jay Z, may have hustled Cano in the deal. Jay Z is good at math, you know.

Anyway, that’s an interesting word, “hustle,” when referring to Cano because it’s likely folks in Seattle, while sipping latte’s and waiting for Seahawks training camp to begin, will not see much of it from their new second baseman. Wait, is that the Yankees fan in me talking?

I imagine John Sterling is sitting alone somewhere in New York City shouting, “Robbie Cano, don’t ya know… you’ll never win a ring in Seattle.”

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